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Trick-or-Treat to Tragedy: The Horrors of Halloween

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Personal Injury |

First responders are rescuing an injured woman in a car accident

While Halloween is supposed to be fun, it can turn deadly at a moment’s notice for children and their parents who are out trick-or-treating. Even the highest degree of caution may not protect a family who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. The potential for serious injury is the true fright of Halloween.

The Spirit of Halloween Is Reckless

Every year, there are over 4,000 Halloween-related injuries in the United States. No matter how closely parents supervise their children, it is a night when others are careless. The biggest risk is to children, but even adults can be hurt from the general spirit of recklessness that prevails on Halloween. Unfortunately, this is often a night when common sense takes leave.

Pedestrian Accident Injuries

Trick-or-treating involves walking around neighborhoods that may not be well-lit. Many parents try to put reflective colors on their children’s costumes. Nonetheless, Halloween night has one of the highest risks of pedestrian accident injuries as children cross streets. Children are twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween as they are on any other day of the year. Many drivers do not stop at crosswalks, especially at night. The combination of children and reckless motorists leads to more injured children.

Drunk Driving Accidents

In general, Halloween has come to involve excessive drinking, as adults go to Halloween parties. This makes it a prime night for drunk driving accidents. Nearly half of fatal accidents on Halloween weekend involve a driver who is over the legal blood alcohol limit. Drunk driving accident injuries tend to be more severe than in the average car accident because they often happen at higher speeds without the chance for other drivers to take evasive action.

Halloween Slip and Fall Accidents

More people out in public also means a higher instance of slip and fall accidents. Children are on sidewalks and other people’s property when they are in search of treats. Not all property owners maintain their sidewalks and walkways properly, and children can fall when they trip. The risk is even worse at night, when walkers cannot always see where they are going. A personal injury lawyer often helps accident victims file a premises liability lawsuit to recover from injuries such as broken bones, concussions, and other various injuries.
