Traffic accident risks associated with wind

As a driver, it is vital to remain vigilant before taking to the road and during every trip. Recognizing the risk factors that could cause an accident is crucial, and you need to pay attention to weather conditions. Weather can deteriorate rapidly, and in some instances it is smart to stay off of the road until conditions get better.

Many drivers know that fog, snow and ice can lead to an accident. However, wind can also play a role in motor vehicle collisions, and it is vital to look at accident risks due to strong winds.

Different ways that wind can cause a traffic accident

The Federal Highway Administration published information on some of the ways that weather can cause a traffic accident. Strong winds can increase the likelihood of a collision in different ways. For example, wind can result in lane obstruction as a result of snow drifts and debris blown onto the road. When wind blows dust, smoke and snow, it can affect a driver’s ability to see other vehicles and the road, and poor visibility causes many accidents.

Wind can also impact vehicle stability and cause drivers to behave erratically.

Negligent driving and traffic accidents during bad weather

Sometimes, a driver’s careless behavior causes an accident when weather conditions deteriorate. For example, if a speeding driver hits you because they drove too fast around a turn when visibility is poor, or they veer into your lane and collide with you, it is pivotal to hold them accountable. Unfortunately, traffic accidents continue to take place as a result of reckless driving during poor weather conditions.


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